ARTHUR LIONEL VIBERT was born 1872 in St. Petersburg, Russia1, and died 07 Dec 1938 in London, England. He married MILLICENT AGNES GODDARD 09 Dec 1908 in St Michael and All Angels church, Folkestone, England. She was the daughter of Reverand FRANCIS ASPINALL GODDARD. She was born 10 Jun 1875 in sutton coldfield, england, and died 1970.
They had one child, FAITH MILLICENT VIBERT, born in 1910 in Koohnoor, India. She died in 2003.
Lionel Vibert served in the Indian Civil Service (the administration of the British Raj; admission was by extremely competitive examination) and was appointed Collector of Pudukkottai (a princely state) in the Madras Presidency (it’s now in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu) on January 20 1914 (the Collector was, and after independence still is, the head of the civil government in a District, but Lionel Vibert would in effect have been the Raja’s prime minister, chief magistrate and head of the ICS in the State).
However, he was much better known as a prominent freemason and freemasonic scholar. He wrote several books and was a regular contributor to British, Empire and American Masonic publications. He was Master of the Quator Coronati Lodge, which is the research lodge of the United Grand Lodge of England and, consequently, is often considered to be the primary research lodge in the World. Indeed, he was so highly regarded that he was chosen to write the introduction to the 200th anniversary facsimile edition of the 1723 Constitutions of Freemasons.
I’m afraid that I don’t know much more about him, but the United Grand Lodge of England, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Indian Government may all have more.